I welcome you to Bells University of Technology Library.
The Library represents an important component of any higher institution of learning. Quality teaching, learning and research cannot be achieved without making available and accessible relevant and current information resources. The Library serves as a platform for unity of knowledge, providing patrons with opportunity to interact with diverse information resources outside their fields of study.
At Bells University Library, we deploy information and communication technologies to ensure that faculty, staff and students maximise resources in the library. The information age which is synonymous with digital, computer and new media age has conspicuously revealed that information is an essential factor of production apart from land, labour, capital and entrepreneur. This fact serves as the premise for the library to ensure adequacy of physical and electronic information resources for every faculty and department in the University.
Bells University Library uses Alexandria Library Management Software to manage its routine activities. This Software is web-based and provides remote access to library holdings. The Web Public Access Catalogue (WebPAC) can be viewed remotely using any smart device that is connected to the Internet. This makes access to the library holdings possible on a 24/7 basis.
The library is poised to be the one-stop solution arena for information needs relating to all areas of academic endeavours and make academic engagement a worthwhile endeavour for all members of the University community. We are optimistic that library users will make the most of available library resources and enjoy the ambience of the environment with rewarding experience