- Electronic Databases and Online Journals
- E-Library
- Circulation Services
- Web Public Access Catalogue (WebPAC)
The services provided by Bellstech Library are tailored towards meeting the information needs of its patrons. Bellstech Library subscribes to a number of robust online databases which include; Proquest, EBSCO, JSTOR, AGORA, HINARI, OARE and an intranet-based open access electronic books platform. Through these databases, patrons are able to remotely access over 50,000 electronic books and journals.
Bellstech Library provides state-of-the-art all-in-one desktops with high speed and uninterrupted Internet access, in support of research activities within the University. In addition to this, wireless hotspots are available to enable faculty and students connect seamlessly to the Internet, using their own devices.
Internet access in the library is provided on a 24/7 basis.
Circulation activities are fully computerized. User registration is done by automatically uploading softcopy of particulars of faculty, staff and students received on a spreadsheet from the ICT Directorate. Books are checked-in and checked-out by scanning barcodes into the computer systems, which automatically updates user’s loan file and data. Books borrowed from the library are renewable either by physical visit to the library or remotely through phone or email.
The Library’s WebPAC houses all the collection of the Library. Information resources available in the Library are catalogued using Alexandria Library Management Software. The WebPAC is accessible remotely which makes it very convenient for faculty, staff and students to access library holdings from the comfort of their homes, offices, halls of residence and indeed anywhere across the globe. Alexandria Library Management Software enables the Library to create bibliographic details of its collection, manage circulation and acquisitions activities, Current Awareness Services (CAS) as well as Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)